What I Eat in a Day During Winter Time

Would you like to give the raw vegan lifestyle a try, but are you afraid that it will be too cooling to your body? Many people have asked me about this, so I wanted to share my advice with you & show you what I eat in a day during wintertime. If you live in a cold climate and you spend your days drinking cold smoothies, eating refrigerated salads and having lots of vegetables and fruits that are cooling to the body, such as watermelon, pineapple, red bell pepper… – then yes, your body can get out of balance. I know it might be your ultimate goal to live ‘fully raw’, but just know that cooked foods aren’t the enemy! Listen to your body and what it needs instead of focusing on a so-called ‘ideal diet’ that might not be so ideal for your body type after all.

My typical winter day looks like this:

  • In the morning I have several glasses of green smoothie, fresh fruit and a small handful of almonds - all at room temperature.
  • In between breakfast & lunch, I have several cups of hot tea: green, red bush or herbal tea. This really helps to keep your body warm when it’s cold outside.
  • For lunch, I usually have more green smoothie and plenty of fresh fruit + a large salad if I have the time. Again, all at room temperature.
  • During the afternoon, I will have more hot tea to keep my body temperature balanced.
  • At night, I tend to have a large salad with either a ‘hearty’ raw vegan dish like this Spicy Mediterranean Avocado Salsa or this Warming Carrot Ginger Soup, or a lightly cooked meal. This meal can include cooked quinoa, steamed sweet potato, cooked lentils, steamed Brussels sprouts… I warm these on the stove and add vegetables such as broccoli or asparagus a few minutes before the dish is ready to be served. This way, the vegetables can be heated and still maintain most of their nutrients. The best of both worlds!

By combining raw foods with a healthy cooked meal, you will be able to maintain a high-raw lifestyle and feel great all throughout wintertime. Experiment in the kitchen and see what feels best to you. Now I would love to hear from you! What do you typically eat during wintertime? Do you combine raw vegan meals with healthy cooked dishes? I would love to find out what works for you, so please let me know by leaving a comment down below.

Green Smoothie

Warming Carrot Ginger Soup


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