7 Tips to Avoid Overeating During the Holidays

Happy Holidays! Today, I’ve got a special guest post for you written by the lovely health coach Pauline Hanuise. I hope you will enjoy her tips to avoid overeating and stay healthy & energized during the holidays!

The holiday season is one of the trickiest periods of the year when it comes to food. Everything turns around celebrations, food and alcohol. If you usually have a tendency to overeat, chances are that this period won't be very relaxed and balanced for you. I know how it feels, because I've been there. I used to abuse my body outrageously with food. But I also know that you deserve better than going to bed feeling totally stuffed and waking up feeling sluggish and low in energy each time you have dinner with friends and family. That's why I wanted to share my 7 best tips to avoid overeating over the holiday season.

Tip 1: Stay hydrated

Your body is composed of over 70% of water, so it’s important to stay well hydrated. Also, thirst doesn’t appear like thirst straight away. You will first feel mild hunger before feeling thirsty. That’s why it’s important to drink a lot of clean filtered water.

Tip 2: Stick with your healthy morning routine

If you stick with your healthy habits in the morning, your digestion will be better and you will feel great all the time. Start your days with a cup of hot water with a dash of fresh lemon juice upon waking up to help cleanse your body. Then have as many green juices as you wish throughout the day. This will help your body to detoxify and get nourished.

Tip 3: Beware of sugar-loaded foods

The Christmas period is abundant in foods high in refined sugars and unhealthy fats. Try to be aware of these foods and limit your intake. They are usually harder to process, digest and they are bad for your general health. But don't be fooled. It's not because you avoid refined sugars that you can't enjoy a delicious healthy treat. You can find some ideas here to get you inspired.

Tip 4: Fill up your plate with veggies first

Always take a big portion of fresh veggies or salad before putting anything else onto your plate. They are easy to digest and packed with nutrients and vitamins. This is all you need to feel good physically, mentally and emotionally. Veggies will also fill you up quickly and help you to beat sugar cravings.

Tip 5: Don't starve yourself

Eat regularly and avoid restricting yourself all day long to save up for the special evening dinner. Otherwise, you will end up so hungry you will probably stuff yourself at night. Not a good option at all!

Tip 6: Be careful with alcohol

Alcohol contains lots of sugar and we usually tend to eat more after a few drinks. If you want to enjoy a drink, always go for the quality instead of the quantity. Choose something very nice, appreciate it and be mindful about what you are putting into your system.

Tip 7: Let moderation be your mantra

The secret always lies in moderation and balance. Be reasonable and listen carefully to your body signals. Always choose quality over quantity. That is the key to make healthy choices, enjoy each moment and avoid overeating.  

Now I would love to hear from you! What is your n° 1 tip to avoid overeating during the holidays? Let me know by leaving a comment down below.  

Pauline Hanuise is a certified Holistic Recovery & Health Coach and a member of the American Association Of Drugless Practitioners (AADP). She believes everyone deserves freedom over food, health & happiness. Having recovered from 15 years of struggles with full-blown bulimia, she is now dedicated to help people making peace with food and get a better life. She is the creator of the health and wellness website paulinehanuise.com and the Facebook community 'Respect Yourself'. You can find her on Twitter, @Pauline_Hanuise.

7 Tips to Avoid Overeating During the Holidays


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